More About Nurturing Strong
The Nurturing Strong team would like to thank Paul Adams Jr. for the design of our logo in 2020.
The Nurturing Strong African Nova Scotian Families parenting program was developed for African Nova Scotia parents/caregivers in response to the lack of culturally specific parenting programs that address the realities of African Nova Scotians parents and children. The program is grounded in important research out of Canada and the United States on the historical and lived realities of Black families, parents and children. In addition, the program includes valuable and ongoing feedback provided by African Nova Scotian parents.
The Nurturing Strong African Nova Scotian Families parenting program is based on the belief that the family and the community have a shared responsibility to care for and protect their children which is best captured in the African proverb, ”It takes a village to raise a child.” it also focuses on cultural pride reinforcement (CPR) which includes teaching and modelling for children how to feel good about themselves and their cultural heritage.
There is a growing body of evidence supporting the idea that the more parents engage in teaching children about their race and culture (cultural upbringing), the more their children show better socio-emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes.
This parenting program is developed specifically for African Nova Scotian parents/caregivers raising African Nova Scotian children. It recognizes the cultural, racial, and historical factors that impact African Nova Scotian families and the specific task the parent/caregivers of (ANS) parents have in helping their children understand and respond to the realities of race and culture.
“At our core we must leverage the cultural wisdom of Black parents to affirm their children’s Blackness as an antidote to a world that actively depletes their self-worth through systemic racism and interpersonal racial discrimination.” ~ Village of Wisdom
Photo Credit top page and About page: pixelheadphoto.digitalskillet
Photo credit bottom page: Twinsterphoto